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  • A History of Tin Boxes and Tin Packaging
  • A History of Tin Boxes and Tin Packaging

    Date:2021-03-01  View:1278

    The original concept of packaging products in tin cans dates back to 1795 when Napoleon Bonaparte offered a prize of 12,000 francs for anyone who could invent a method of preserving food unspoiled over distance and time. Nicolas Appert invented the method of preserving food in an airtight container and was awarded the prize in 1810. This was the birth and the beginning of Tin manufacturing. Fellow Frenchman Pierre Durand (aka Peter Durand) was granted a patent in 1810 from King George 3rd for the idea of preserving food and fashion items of storage from Tinplate. The benefit was Tinplate could be sealed and made airtight but could not be broken like glass. The earliest tin manufacturing of tins was laborious and made by hand. Iron was pounded into sheets and dipped into the molten tin. These sheets were cut into parts and ends and either hammered into shape or bent into a die while seams and ends were soldered. This was an extremely skillful process with even the most experienced Tin Maker, making only 10 tins per day. Over the past centuries, tins were used to preserve and store many different commodities such as tea, coffee, tobacco, spices, chocolate, and stuff because of their airtight seals that guaranteed freshness.

    Tin packaging manufacturing has changed immensely over the years but one thing has not Tin packaging and Tin boxes are an excellent vehicle for promoting brands and offering a different proposition at the point of sale where 68% of the consumers make their final decision what product to purchase. Tins are rarely thrown away once the consumer has consumed the contents. Tins are re-used for storage and brands can continue to be in the consumer’s memory for longer than most other packaging concepts.

    So why Tin Packaging & Tin Boxes? tin boxes and tin packaging

    Tins add value at point of sale, Tins (Your brand) are re-used, 68% of consumers make their final choice at point of sale, Tins can be made in every shape and style Shapes do not have to be read but communicate your product instantly, Tins add value to brands and perceived quality to the consumer.
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